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Omaha, NE, Minot, ND and Iowa Fall, IA Estate Planning and Elder Law Firm

Estate Planning and Elder Law Blog

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Farm and Ranch Succession Planning in Omaha

Farm and Ranch Succession Planning in Omaha

From safeguarding agricultural assets to fostering smooth succession transitions, the decisions you make today will shape the future of your farm or ranch. We examine the nuances of succession strategies for farmers and ranchers, strategies to consider and why it’s important to plan now.
Posted on: April 19, 2024
A mother and son discussing how to avoid Guardianship Cases

Guardianship Cases Are a Delicate Balance: A Lesson From the McNair Family

The McNair’s case highlights a growing need in estate planning and elder law centered on the lines families walk when a loved one’s health and cognition are failing, and the family disagrees on how to protect and assist them. Our blog examines cognitive decline and estate planning strategies that protect aging family members and avoid costly and stressful disputes.
Posted on: March 26, 2024
A couple learning about Incapacity Planning in Nebraska

Guide to Incapacity Planning in Nebraska: Protecting Yourself and Your Estate

Incapacity planning is a crucial aspect for Omaha residents of managing your estate and ensuring that your wishes are honored if you cannot make decisions for yourself. This article will examine the various components of incapacity planning, offering comprehensive advice for anyone looking to secure their future. What Is Incapacity Planning? Incapacity planning involves preparing […]
Posted on: February 6, 2024
A couple wondering about the difference between Medicaid Planning and Estate Planning

What's the Difference Between Medicaid Planning and Estate Planning?

This article provides a guide into the critical distinctions between Medicaid planning and estate planning, two strategies that, while often intertwined, serve different purposes in the landscape of protecting one's assets and preparing for the expense of long-term care.  Understanding these differences is not just beneficial—it's essential for anyone looking to protect their assets, ensure […]
Posted on: February 1, 2024
Estate Plan

Are You Neglecting Your Estate Planning?

Estate planning is a vital part of financial management that often gets overlooked.
Posted on: December 22, 2023
Business and Important Work

Using Living Trusts to Protect Your Business Assets

Business owners work hard to build their assets and establish their companies. Therefore, it’s essential to ensure that these assets are protected for the business’s continuity and the owner’s peace of mind. One way of safeguarding these assets is by utilizing a living trust. This article discusses how a living trust can protect your business assets. What Is a Living Trust? A living trust is a legal entity created to hold assets, often for the benefit of certain individuals. It’s called a “living” trust because it’s established while you’re alive, unlike a testamentary trust, which comes into effect upon your…
Posted on: December 15, 2023
An adult daughter discussing long-term care planning with an aging loved one

Discussing Long-Term Care with an Aging Loved One

With an estimated 70% of Americans needing long-term care after age 65, planning for long-term care is an integral part of an Omaha estate plan. It’s better to talk about long-term care and make a plan before the family is confronted with an emergency situation.  Kiplinger’s article, “What Gen X Needs to Know About Their Aging […]
Posted on: December 14, 2023
Protect your assests

Why You Should Put Your House in a Trust

Putting a home into a trust has several benefits, from avoiding the lengthy probate process to providing potential tax advantages. This article discusses some of the intricacies of trusts and the importance of consulting with an experienced estate planning attorney. What Is a Trust and Why Is It Important? A trust is a legal arrangement where one person (the grantor) transfers ownership of their assets, like a house, to a trustee. The trustee holds and manages these assets on behalf of the named beneficiaries. One main benefit of putting property in a trust is to avoid probate, which can be…
Posted on: December 1, 2023
An older couple discussing the use of a Medicaid Asset Protection Trust

How a Medicaid Asset Protection Trust Helps with Long-Term Care

More than a few Omaha seniors who are retired or nearing retirement lose sleep worrying over being able to afford the expense of long-term care, including nursing home care, which can cost thousands monthly. The fallback option for many Americans is Medicaid notes a recent article, “Long-Term-Care planning using trusts,” from the Journal of Accountancy. […]
Posted on: November 21, 2023
A funeral showing a black casket with flowers on top

What Happens When the Second Parent Passes?

However, settling the second spouse's affairs was more complex, even with advance planning. Everything from wills to banking to tax returns became more complicated.
Posted on: October 24, 2023
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  • You have people you care about.
  • You want to maintain control of your life and your assets.
  • You'd like to leave a legacy.
  • You'd enjoy some peace of mind.
  • We can help.
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Office Locations

Estate Planning Attorney in Omaha, NE

9859 South 168th Avenue,
Omaha, NE 68136


Minot, ND Office

7 Third Street SE, Suite 202,
Minot, ND 58701


Iowa Falls, IA Office

320 North Oak Street, PO Box 295,
Iowa Falls, IA 50126


Some Of The Areas We Serve

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Estate Planning Attorney in Omaha, NE

9859 South 168th Avenue,
Omaha, NE 68136

Minot, ND Office

7 Third Street SE, Suite 202,
Minot, ND 58701

Iowa Falls, IA Office

320 North Oak Street, PO Box 295,
Iowa Falls, IA 50126

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