Preserve Your Legacy And Prepare Your Family For The Unexpected
How our clients get the best nursing home care for their loved ones — and keep their nest eggs intact, even if they thought it was too late to do anything about it.
How our clients avoid the five mistakes that strip-mine life savings and leave only poverty and trauma.
Why “giving everything to the kids” to shelter it only makes things worse, as audits may bring stiff penalties for unknowingly violating regulations.
And I won’t even start on the family tensions, disagreements, and anxiety that goes with giving up control of your life savings — especially if some may not have your best interests at heart.
Why following “free advice” from the government or the nursing home could lead to massive damage to your savings.
Why “relationship planning” is central to effective solutions.
Why paying for nursing home care out of pocket, even if you “can afford it,” is like chopping off pieces of your home to burn for heating fuel — Hint: it’s entirely unnecessary.
What Elder Law Specialists can offer that other attorneys have no inkling of.
How to confidently prepare for the high costs of long-term nursing care, so you can focus on what really matters — enjoying precious time.
The founding member of the firm, Andrew is a lifelong resident of Omaha, Nebraska. He has over 20 years of legal experience and has focused his practice on estate and business planning since 1999. He has lectured across the country on an array of estate planning and business law topics, in addition to co-authoring several books on estate, business, and farm planning.
A+ business and estate planning. My experience with Legacy Design Strategies is positive in large part because of attorney Colin M. Kastrick, but everyone on staff has been helpful every step of the way toward starting my own business.